
East Meet West


慶祝加中建交  加华五台聚匯
Celebrate the 49th Anniversary of the Establishment of Canada-China Diplomatic Relations
Canadian and Chinese Communities Gather at Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden
Multicultural Festival of Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden
Series: Part Ⅴ

2019年10月5日, 加拿大三級政府和社會各界精英,以及多倫多地區各同鄉會、校友會、學生會和各大商會等歡聚加國五台山,慶祝加中兩國建交49周年,共敘華夏鄉情,展示加華風采!

“East Meets West” will be held at Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden on October 5, 2019. On this special occasion, Canadian government, prominent members of various township associations, alumni associations, student unions, business and commercial sectors in  Canada will gather in Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden to celebrate the 49th Anniversary of the Establishment of Canada-China Diplomatic Relations, share national sentiment and embrace the cultural diversity of Canada and China!

活動日期 Event Date :2019/10/05

活動地點 Event Address : 加國五台山 Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden, 708 Ski Hill Road, Cavan County Of Peterborough, ON, L0A 1A0



We welcome your participation! Please sign up with Cham Shan Temple if you need the bus transportation.

詳情請洽: 加拿大佛教會湛山精舍
Please contact Cham Shan Temple for more information.

地址 Address: 7254 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, Ont. Canada L3T 2R6

電話 Tel: 905-991-0708、905-886-6481、647-499-7808