Thank you for your support and visiting the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in 2024.
The garden has been temporary closed for the winter from Nov 16, 2024. It is scheduled to open on Apr 16, 2025.
We look forward seeing you in 2025. Please follow us for the latest information.
我們期待 2025 年見到您。請關注我們以獲取最新資訊。
The Five Platforms of Manjusri Bodhisattva 五臺
Central Platform
中臺 -
Northern Platform
北臺 -
Western Platform
西臺 -
Southern Platform
南臺 -
Eastern Platform
The Eight Sights 八景
Happy Buddha
彌勒菩薩 -
Sudhana Spring
善財泉 -
Hall Of Shan Cai
善財寶殿 -
五爺 -
The Main Dharma Hall
大雄寶殿 -
The Buddhist Arts Gallery
佛教藝術館 -
Wisdom Lake
靈泉湖 -
Guru Padmasambhava
The Sixteen Points of Interest 十六點
Sixth Patriarch
六祖 -
48 Vows Auspicious Stupas
四十八願吉祥佛塔 -
Willow Guanyin
楊柳觀音 -
Bliss Longevity Pond
福壽池 -
Life Liberation Pond
放生池 -
The Mountain and Earth Deity Shrine
山神土地廟 -
Wonder of Life-saving (Wenshu)
文殊救人靈跡 -
The Bliss Longevity Twin Pagodas
福壽雙塔 -
The Seven Treasures Wish-Fulfilling Pagodas
七寶如意塔 -
Tree of Love
姻緣樹 -
Wisdom Lake Square
靈泉廣場 -
Manjushri Bodhisattva
文殊菩薩 -
Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
普賢菩薩 -
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
觀音菩薩 -
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Square
地藏菩薩廣場 -
88 Buddha Stupas
八十八 佛塔
We are located at 地址:
708 Ski Hill Road, R38
Ontario L0A 1A0