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Effective from August 1, 2024, there will be a parking fee for each visiting vehicle. Please see below information.



Recent Release 最新資訊

  • Donation Methods 捐款賬戶資料
    Donations 功德
    Payment Methods 滙款賬戶資料 PAYMENT IN CANADA 加拿大境内匯款 Can$
  • 22) The Floor Tiles in the Main Buddha Hall 供奉大殿内地磚
    Donors Name 功德芳名
    22) The Floor Tiles in The Main Buddha Hall 供奉大雄寶殿内地磚
  • 2024 BCC Admission Brochure加拿大佛學院招生簡章
    Buddhist College of Canada 加拿大佛學院
    2024 BCC Admission Brochure 加拿大佛學院招生簡章
  • the Buddhist College of Canada Open Day 加拿大佛學院開放日20240525
    Buddhist College of Canada 加拿大佛學院
    The Buddhist College of Canada Open Day 加拿大佛學院校園開放日 On
  • The Museum Of Buddhist Art 佛教藝術館
    Eight Sights 八景, Places of Interest 寺院景觀
    The Museum of Buddhist Art houses twelve wall-mounted display cases and ten freestanding display cases. The current exhibition showcases Buddhist statues from the three main traditions, namely Mahayana, Vajrayana and Theravada. 佛教藝術館共有12個通體展櫃和10個獨立展櫃。現在展出的佛教塑像主題展,收藏了佛教三大語系漢傳佛教、藏傳佛教和南傳佛教的佛教塑像。
  • Willow Guanyin 楊柳觀音
    Places of Interest 寺院景觀, Sixteen Points of Interests 十六點
    Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with Willow Twig 楊柳觀音 Hello
  • The Bliss & Longevity Twin Pagodas 福壽雙塔
    Places of Interest 寺院景觀, Sixteen Points of Interests 十六點
    The Bliss & Longevity Twin Stupas 福壽雙塔 Amituofo!
  • The Mountain and Earth Deity Shrine 山神土地廟
    Places of Interest 寺院景觀, Sixteen Points of Interests 十六點
    While this shrine might not seem as magnificent as the other sacred places of Wutai Shan, it is still the most luxurious Tudigong shrine in North America. Traditional Tudigong shrines are often very small, with many having no building at all. 這個殿堂雖然比不上五台山的其他殿堂那麼宏偉,但是這個殿堂卻是北美最豪華的土地廟。因為傳統意義上的土地廟都非常小,很多幾乎都沒有建築。

The Five Platforms of Manjusri Bodhisattva 五臺


The Eight Sights 八景


The Sixteen Points of Interest 十六點

Miracles 不可思議的真實故事

We are located at 地址:

708 Ski Hill Road, R38


Ontario L0A 1A0


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