Dharma Services 法會


The Dharma Service refers to various gatherings for activities such as Dharma talks, offering to the Buddha, offering to the monk, and giving alms. Generally speaking, the monastery's morning and evening class recitations, the regular open to public practice sessions, and the confession and vows according to different Sutras of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva are belong to the category of the Dharma Service.


Contemporary Dharma Service, which integrate various practices such as chanting Sutra, offerings, worship, reciting Buddha’s Name, chanting mantras, visualization, etc., can be said to be unique to Chinese Buddhism.


People need to rely on Buddhism to solve their spiritual pain. Through the Dharma meeting, a platform for interaction between the monks and the lay people can be established, allowing sentient beings to come into contact with the Dharma, and gradually establish a relationship between teachers and friends, and have the opportunity to practise they have learn from the Dharma with their own lives. Participating in the Dharma Service, there is the perseverance of bodhicitta, every word and deed, every thought can be the cause of liberation and the cause of Buddhahood.


Dharma Service provides a great opportunity for many people practice together: to pray wholeheartedly to eliminate one's own karma and the karma of all sentient beings, to develop compassion to all sentient beings, to accumulate merit and wisdom, to pay respect and remembrance of Buddha and Bodhisattva. So participating in the Dharma Service is one of the very important and necessary spiritual activities in Buddhism. Different types of Dharma Service activities have their own merits and meanings.


Dharma services includes 法會服務包括:

  • Funeral Service Rituals 佛教葬禮儀式
    Public Visitation (Vigil Ceremony ) - Upon Sangha members entering into the hall of service, all attendants please rise and face towards the central aisle, in Gassho position ... 守夜儀式 - 恭請師父們到達儀式:倆邊大眾一齊起立,面向中間通道, 合掌恭迎師父們 […]
  • 2019年10月3日,4日,6日Buddhist Funeral Services 佛教往生服務
    In Buddhism, the core of the faith is the belief in the cycle of life, reincarnation, good deeds and enlightenment. […]