15) Bodhi Path Guiding Lights and Prayer Flags 菩提大道路燈與法語

Sponsorship for the “Guiding Lights of Cultivation” and “Prayer Flags of Buddhist Teachings”


“Guiding Lights Illuminate the Path to Wisdom.
Buddhist Teachings Unlock the Door for Cultivation.”

On the scenic site of Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden, 300 radiant “Guiding Lights” illuminate both sides of the Bodhi Path, leading the way to the Main Buddha Hall. Next to each lamp post are 2 “Prayer Flags” with wise Buddhist teachings written by great dharma masters. Together, these 300 guiding lights and the 600 prayer flags
complement the path of cultivation with wisdom to reach enlightenment, bringing immeasurable merits to the sponsors and their families.

The “offering of lights” is one of the 10 main offerings in Buddhism. The “Big Bodhisattva Collection” Bodhisattva-Pitaka Sutra stated: “Hundreds and thousands of lights nullify one’s transgressions and karmic offences”. The “offering of Buddhist teachings” filled with wisdom is also one of the 10 main offerings. Light
and bodhi wisdom dispel darkness and ignorance, guiding our cultivation to reach enlightenment and attain Prajna Paramita, the ultimate bodhi wisdom.
燈,是佛教十種供養之一。 《菩薩藏經》雲:「百千燈明,懺除悔罪。」供奉祖師大德的法語,也是佛說燈是佛門重要的供養之一。光明與智慧的表徵,以智慧之燈所放出的光明,照破我們的無明,使我們心生慧解,成就我們的智慧波羅蜜。

1. Guiding Lights: CAD $1,880 each lamp post (permanent)
2. Prayer Flags: CAD $580 each prayer flag (for 2 years)
(Attached to both sides of each lamp post is a prayer flag with extracts
from various Buddhist teachings)




These sponsorships offer a precious opportunity not to be missed!
Your participation is greatly appreciated.

To Donate please contact 捐款詳情請洽:

Cham Shan Temple Front Desk 加拿大佛教會湛山精舍 香油台

Address 地址:7254 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, Ont. Canada, L3T 2R6

Call Front Desk (香油台)電話: 905-886-6481

1-905-886-1522 X內線-234 / X內線-292