
Consecration Ceremony of the Main Buddha Hall at Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden

Multicultural Festival Series Of Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden Ⅰ


The Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple is holding a grand consecration ceremony at 1:30 PM on October 5, 2019 to celebrate the completion of the Main Buddha Hall at Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada. For this auspicious event, we have invited grand elder masters and a hundred venerable masters from Canada、USA and China to host the ceremony.

大殿落成典禮佛像開光流Ceremonial Celebration

10:00 AM:迎賓時間 Reception

10:40 AM:嘉賓入場 Welcome Ceremony

11:00 AM:慶典儀式 Opening Ceremony

剪彩儀式 Ribbon-cutting Ceremony
大合照 Group Photo
參觀藝術館和大殿 Arts Museum & Main Buddha Hall Tour

12:30 PM:午餐 Lunch 

Dharma prayer service:

1:00  PM:排班進入大殿 Enter Main Buddha Hall

1:30  PM:開光法會部分 Consecration Ceremony for Buddhas

活動日期 Event Date :2019/10/05

活動地點 Event Address : 加國五台山 Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden, 708 Ski Hill Road, Cavan County Of Peterborough, ON, L0A 1A0


We welcome your participation! Please sign up with Cham Shan Temple if you need the bus transportation.

詳情請洽: 加拿大佛教會湛山精舍
Please contact Cham Shan Temple for more information.

地址 Address: 7254 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, Ont. Canada L3T 2R6

電話 Tel: 905-991-0708、905-886-6481、647-499-7808