
The First Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden Vegetarian Food Festival


關愛健康  倡導素食
Vegetarianism for Care, Love and Health
Multicultural Festival of Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden
Series: Part 3



Food vendors are invited to participate in this great event, 

organized jointly by “Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden” and “Chinese Cuisine and Hospitality Association of Canada”

招商處聯絡人  Vendor coordinator: 

June: 647-388-9139

Catherine: 647-808-3881

主委會辦公室  Organizer:

湛山素心閣(Cham Shan Temple Su Xin Ge)

聯絡人 Contact: Meena

電話 Tel: 905-886-1522 分機 ext: 223

地址 Address: 7254 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, ON L3T 2R6


The first Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden Vegetarian Food Festival, organized by Cham Shan Temple Su Xin Ge, will showcase the diversity and delicacy of vegetarian cuisine. It is estimated that over 10,000 visitors will attend the food festival and the celebration ceremony of the Main Buddha Hall at Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden on October 5, 2019. 

活動日期 Date:2019/10/05     9:30 AM – 8:00 PM

活動地點 Address:加拿大五台山 Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden, 708 Ski Hill Road, Cavan County Of Peterborough, ON L0A 1A0


Welcome to the ceremony!

Please sign up at Cham Shan Temple if you need the bus transportation.


Please contact Cham Shan Temple for more information.

電話 Tel: 905-991-0708, 905-886-6481, 647-499-7808

地址 Address: 7254 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, ON L3T 2R6