Interesting Places to Visit
When completed, the following are interesting places to visit at the Buddhist Garden:
The Five Platforms of Manjusri Bodhisattva 五臺
The Eight Sights 八景
Happy Buddha
彌勒大佛 -
Tripitaka Depository / Buddhist College of Canada
藏經閣/加拿大佛學院 -
Hall Of Shan Cai
善財寶殿 -
Shrine of Wealth God
财神五爺廟 -
The Main Buddha Hall
大雄寶殿 -
The Buddhist Arts Gallery
五台山藝術館 -
Wisdom Lake
靈泉湖 -
Guru Padmasambhava
The Sixteen Points of Interest 十六點
Venerable Master Hui Neng, the Sixth Patriarch’s Square
六祖惠能大師廣場 -
48 Vows Auspicious Stupas
四十八願吉祥佛塔 -
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with Willow Twig
楊柳觀音 -
Bliss & Longevity Pond
福壽池 -
Life Liberation Pond
放生池 -
Shrine of Mountain and Earth Deity
山神土地廟 -
Miraculous Act of the Life-Saving Manjusri Bodhisattva
文殊菩薩救人靈跡 -
Bliss & Longevity Twin Stupas
福壽雙塔 -
The Seven Treasures Wish-fulfilling Stupas
七寶如意塔 -
Shan Cai Spring
善財泉 -
Wisdom Lake Square
靈泉廣場 -
Manjushri Bodhisattva Square
文殊菩薩廣場 -
Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Square
普賢菩薩廣場 -
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Square
觀音菩薩廣場 -
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Square
地藏菩薩廣場 -
Relic Hall