Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) Bodhisattva
Putuo Shan is the shrine of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion.
The Bodhisattva called Avalokitesvara, or Guanyin in Chinese tradition, has always been a symbol of great compassion, one who tirelessly seeks out people needing help and consolation. One popular Mahayana Sutra described the Bodhisattva as appearing in whatever forms as required according to the situation and the needs of the people. Buddhists try to emulate the compassion of this Bodhisattva.
Many faithful Chinese and Tibetan Buddhists venerate this Bodhisattva, therefore there are many images of Avalokitesvara in their temples. Guanyin was a male figure in India, and slowly morphed into a female figure in China. Some statues take the symbolic form of thousand arms, thousand eyes etc. These are metaphors for great-power and all-seeing.
由於觀世音菩薩的大悲願力及所發菩提心,為了安樂一切眾生成就一切眾生的道業,故仍示現為菩薩因他以救苦救難為己任,故在民間的影響極為深遠。中國和西藏的廟宇中有許多觀世音菩薩的像。 觀音在印度是男性,後來在中國逐漸演變成女性。 有些雕像採用千臂,千眼等的象徵形式。