Standing Bell 大磬

The sound of the standing bell is pleasing , relaxing and has the effect of awakening.
It also symbolizes Buddhism’s solemn, super mundane and pure image.

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The Ninth Three Steps-One Bow Pilgrimage at Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden 加拿大五臺山舉辦第九屆三步一拜

The practice of “Three Steps – One Bow” is a profound form of spiritual cultivation, requiring a steadfast mind that can endure challenges and achieve difficult goals …
三步一拜是一種修行,修行是一條艱辛的道路,要有“難忍能忍,難行能行”之堅固心 …

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The Buddhist Arts Gallery 佛教藝術館

The Museum of Buddhist Art houses twelve wall-mounted display cases and ten freestanding display cases. The current exhibition showcases Buddhist statues from the three main traditions, namely Mahayana, Vajrayana and Theravada.

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The Mountain and Earth Deity Shrine 山神土地廟

While this shrine might not seem as magnificent as the other sacred places of Wutai Shan, it is still the most luxurious Tudigong shrine in North America. Traditional Tudigong shrines are often very small, with many having no building at all.

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