Seaweed Tofu Roll 香酥紫圓 Ingredients 材料: Dried seaweed, bean curd sheet, 1 sheet each; flour paste, small amount 紫菜、腐皮 各1張,麵糊水…
The Buddha asked his disciples, “How long is life?” Disciple A answered rightly, “In a few decades.” 佛陀問弟子:「人生究竟有多長?」弟子甲理所當然地答道:「在數十年間。」
Braised White Turnips 煨蘿蔔 Ingredients 材料: White turnips, 1lb 白蘿蔔 1磅 Carrots, dried mushroom stems, shredded ginger root and minced…
The Buddhist story of “The blind men and an elephant” come from ancient India where a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant before learn and imagine what the elephant is like by touching it. 佛經裏有個「瞎子摸象」的故事, 說有幾位瞎子, 各自摸着大象身體的不同部位, 並以此來判斷大象的模樣。