Rahula, The Buddha’s son followed Buddha’s footsteps and became a novice monk. 羅睺羅是釋迦牟尼佛的兒子。後來佛陀出家修道,小小年紀的羅睺羅也跟著出家做沙彌
Deep Fried Mashed Potato Balls 杏花香滿衣 Ingredients 材料 : Potatoes, 2 馬鈴薯 2個 Sliced almond, small amount 杏仁片 少許 Breadcrumbs,…
Braised Winter Melon with Preserved Mustard Greens 梅乾菜扣冬瓜 Ingredients 材料 : Winter melon, 500g 冬瓜 500克 Bean curd, 4 pieces …
Sweet and Sour King Oyster Mushrooms 甜酸皇子菇 Ingredients 材料 : King oyster mushrooms, 3 皇子菇 3個 Honey peaches, 2 水蜜桃2個…
Maitake Mushroom Stir-fry 豉汁尖椒炒舞茸菇 Ingredients 材料 : Maitake mushroom, 6 clumps 舞茸菇 6朵 Green pepper, 8 stalks 青尖椒 8條 Red…
Watercress Wontons 西洋菜雲吞 Ingredients 材料: Wonton wraps, 1 package 雲吞皮 1 盒 Watercress, 3 bunches 西洋菜 3 札 Flavoured soya…
Su Dong Po, a famous scholar in Sung dynasty was closely associated with Zen Master Fo Yin. They often discussed Buddhism together. 宋朝大文豪蘇東坡,與佛印禪師是很好的朋友,兩人有一次鬥禪機
Konnyaku Jelly Soup 貴妃素翅羹 Ingredients (for 10) 材料 10人份 : Chayote, 1 whole 佛手瓜(又名合掌瓜) 1個 Enoki mushrooms, 1 pack 金針菇…
Fried Glutinous Rice 生炒糯米飯 Ingredients 材料: Glutinous rice, 3 cups 長糯米3杯 Hot water, 1 cup 開水1杯 Diced black mushrooms and…
Tofu Pouches with Mushroom and Gai Lan 翠綠素寶 Ingredients 材料: Tofu pouches, 6-8 pieces 豆包 6-8 片 Fresh shiitake mushrooms…