Cherish Your Blessings 知福、惜福

Once upon a time, there was a king who was depressed all day long, so he sent his minister to seek for ways to happiness. One day, upon arriving at a poor village, he heard a farmer singing happily. 從前有個國王,整日鬱鬱寡歡,於是派了個大臣四處找尋快樂的方法。有一天,大臣走過一個貧窮的村落時,聽到一個農夫快樂地歌唱。

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Let Go of Your Grasp 放下

A hiker waded through the mountains and accidentally fell into a deep valley. In a very dangerous moment, he grasped the tree branches on the cliff with both hands and temporarily saved his life. 遊人跋山涉水, 一不小心, 掉進深谷。慌亂中, 他雙手死命地抓住崖壁上的樹枝, 暫時保住了性命

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The Hand that Gives, Gathers 能捨才能得

A farmer received some good quality maize seeds from his relative, he was not sure if the maize seeds could really increase the yield, so he made a trial on a small piece of his own farmland. 一位農民得到親戚送來的一些玉米良種,但他不確定這種子是否真的能提高產量,便先在自家的地裏試種了一小塊。

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