U of T and Buddhist College of Canada program in practical Buddhist studies 多倫多大學和加拿大佛學院聯合辦佛學

Establishment of the Buddhist College of Canada and jointly signed a MOA to offer a Buddhist studies program in Canada


On February 14, 2024, the Buddhist Association of Canada, the Buddhist College of Canada, and Emmanuel College of Victoria University at the University of Toronto jointly signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to offer a continuing education program in practical Buddhist studies in Canada. Simultaneously, the President of the Buddhist Association in Canada and Abbot of Cham Shan Temple, Ven. Dayi Shi, announced the establishment of the Buddhist College of Canada.

The Buddhist College of Canada marks the first partnership between a Buddhist college and a higher education institution in Canadian history, pioneering both Buddhism and Buddhist education in Canada.

Victoria University, renowned globally for its higher education, hosts Emmanuel College, a leading theological school founded in 1928 with a nearly century-long history. Emmanuel College's context, within the University of Toronto, shapes its mission to deeply engage students in their religious and spiritual traditions.

The signing ceremony took place in the historic building at Emmanuel College, where faculty and students gathered in the large conference hall to witness the event. Ken Chan, the Chief Administrative Officer of Victoria University, HyeRan Kim-Cragg, the Principal of Emmanuel College, and Venerable Dayi Shi, the President of the Buddhist College of Canada and the Buddhist Association of Canada, endorsed the ceremony.


Ken Chan emphasized that Emmanuel College's partnership with the Buddhist Association of Canada underscores the college's commitment to fostering harmony and understanding among diverse communities. He stated, "Through this endeavor, we embrace the profound principles of Buddhism and reaffirm our commitment to cultivating respect, inclusivity, and compassion in society."

HyeRan Kim-Cragg, the Principal of Emmanuel College

HyeRan Kim-Cragg expressed during the signing ceremony that this marks the inception of the first-ever Buddhist Continuing Education Program in the college's history. She was deeply moved by Ven. Dayi Shi’s vision to establish a Buddhist educational institute aimed at nurturing talents within the Buddhist community, prompting a personal visit to the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden to deepen her understanding of the initiatives undertaken by the Buddhist Association of Canada.

Ven. Dayi Shi expressed profound joy, marking a significant milestone in his life's journey. He has long aspired to establish a Buddhist College in Canada, and with the robust support from Emmanuel College of Victoria University, this vision has materialized. Together, they have launched the Buddhist Studies program, with Emmanuel College instructors conducting classes at the serene Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada.

Reflecting on this momentous occasion, Ven. Dayi shared, "Today marks a pinnacle of happiness as the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada has received an occupancy permit from the government and is officially open to the public in 2024. This development is particularly gratifying as it enables us to establish an institution of higher learning dedicated to nurturing Buddhist talents, disseminating the wisdom of the Buddha, and spreading the teachings for the benefit of all sentient beings."

On the same day, Ken Chan proudly revealed a significant development: the Buddhist Association of Canada has generously established "The Venerable Dayi Shi Scholarship" at Emmanuel College. This scholarship marks the college's inaugural offering, to be awarded annually to two Emmanuel College students with exceptional academic standings in the Buddhist focus.


Ven. Dayi drew upon his own journey to reflect on the motivation behind establishing the scholarship, recounting his years of study and teaching at the Minnan Buddhist College in China, followed by further education in New York. He emphasized the importance of nurturing talent in Buddhist studies and urged perseverance, focused study, and the application of acquired wisdom for the benefit of all sentient beings.

On the day of the signing, Emmanuel College embraced diversity by hosting a Lunar New Year event, welcoming attendees to celebrate, regardless of their observance of Ash Wednesday, Valentine's Day, or the God of Fortune Day. Amidst the festivities, heartfelt wishes were extended for the success of the newly established Buddhist College of Canada, envisioned to foster international Buddhist talents and make a lasting impact on the history of Canadian Buddhism. The College's inaugural program is scheduled to commence in September 2024, with global student recruitment underway. For further information, please visit the official website of the Buddhist Association of Canada.


加拿大佛教協會加拿大佛教會和多倫多大學維多利亞大學(Victoria University in the University of Toronto) 的Emmanuel學院經過一年多的反覆商討和緊密籌備,當地時間2月14日在多倫多大學正式簽約,啟動聯合辦學,成立「加拿大佛學院」。 這是加拿大歷史上第一所與高等院校合作的佛學院,開創了加國佛教和加國佛教教育的歷史。


當天,多倫多大學維多利亞大學首席行政官Ken Chan,Emmanuel學院校長HyeRan Kim-Cragg,和加拿大佛教會會長達義大和尚,分別代表三方,共同簽署了加拿大佛學院合作備忘錄,標誌著加拿大佛學院正式誕生。


維多利亞大學首席行政官Ken Chan代表學院出席簽約活動並致詞。 Ken Chan說,Emmanuel學院與加拿大佛教會聯合辦學體現了學院致力於促進不同社區之間的和諧與理解,「通過這個項目,我們不僅讚歎佛教豐富的教育理念,而且重申我們致力於培養尊重、包容 和慈悲的文化」,「雙方的合作展示瞭了如何透過搭建合作的橋樑來促進一個更和平和包容的社會」。

Emmanuel學院校長HyeRan Kim-Cragg在簽約儀式中說,加拿大佛學院是該學院歷史上第一個佛教持續教育項目。 在簽約之前,HyeRan Kim-Cragg深受達義大和尚宏願的感動,創辦佛學院,培育佛教人才,所以矢志不渝推動這個項目,並親自到加拿大佛教會、加國五台山實地考察。

加拿大佛教會會長達義大和尚表示,今天是他人生中非常開心的時刻,多年來發下宏願創辦加拿大佛學院,今天終於大願圓成,並得到維多利亞學院和Emmanuel學院的大力支持,聯合辦學 ,由多倫多大學提供教授到加國五台山為學生授課。


當天,多倫多 大學維多利亞大學首席行政官Ken Chan宣布,加拿大佛教會在Emmanuel學院設立「達義大和尚獎學金」。 這是學院第一個佛學獎學金,每年獎勵2名致力於佛教和佛學研究的品學兼優的學生,支持他們學業有成。

在談到設立獎學金的緣由時,達義大和尚回憶自己曾經在中國的閩南佛學院就讀和任教,後來又到紐約讀書。 「30年來我在中美兩地的求學經歷,讓我深刻體會到高等教育的重要性;我深知培育佛學人員是續佛慧命的根本保證;讀書才能明道,求法方能度眾。希望 大家再接再厲、潛心學習,並利用所學的知識弘傳聖教,淨化人心,回饋社會,利益眾生。」

簽約當天2月14日,多倫多大學維多利亞大學和Emmanuel學院還舉辦了慶祝農曆新年的跨宗教 對話活動。 當天是西方的情人節,也是天主教的聖灰日,還是農曆正月初五接財神的吉祥日子。 大家衷心祝願在這個特殊的日子成立的加拿大佛學院,培育出國際化的佛教人才,在加國佛教史上再造輝煌。
