Wutai Shan is the shrine of Manjusri Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of Great Wisdom. 五台山是大智文殊菩薩的道場。
Emei Shan is the shrine of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of Great Practice. 峨眉山是大行普賢菩薩的道場。
Szechuan Vegetable Rolls 川味豆卷 Ingredients 材料: Bean sprouts, 1 lb; red carrots, 1 stick 綠豆芽 1磅,紅蘿蔔1條 Pai yeh tofu, 4…
Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Mixed Vegetables 什錦炒年糕 Ingredients 材料: Ningpo rice cake, 2 cups; 年糕片2杯 Green vegetable sprouts, ½ lb;…
500 Stone-Craved Arhats Statues 五百羅漢護中台 The president of the Canadian Buddhist Association and the abbot of the Wutai Shan…
2022 New Year Greeting 2022年達義大和尚新年賀詞