Fried Glutinous Rice 生炒糯米飯

Fried Glutinous Rice


Ingredients 材料:

Glutinous rice, 3 cups   長糯米3杯
Hot water, 1 cup   開水1杯
Diced black mushrooms and carrots, cooked sweet kernel corns and peas, ½ cup each   冬菇丁丶紅蘿蔔丁丶熟玉米及熟青豆 各1/2杯

Seasoning 調味料:

Cooking oil, 2½ cups   油2½杯
Soy sauce paste, ½ cup   醬油膏 ½ cup
Soy sauce, 1 tablespoon   醬油 1 湯匙
Five spices powder, black & white peppers and sugar, 1 teaspoon each   五香粉丶黑丶白胡椒粉及糖 各1茶匙

Cooking Method 做法:

  1. Wash glutinous rice and soak in water for 3 hours. Drain water.
  2. Stir fry diced black mushrooms and carrots, sweet kernel corns and peas with 1 tablespoon oil in a heated wok, add soy sauce paste and five spices powder, black & white peppers and sugar, and stir fry until cooked. Transfer to dish.
  3. Stir fry glutinous rice on low heat with 2½ cups oil in a heated wok, add small amounts of hot water and soy sauce a bit at a time while frying until cooked in even color, then mix cooked vegetables, black mushrooms and carrots, sweet kernel corns and peas and serve.