Deep Fried Sesame Seaweed Roll 酥脆紫菜卷

Deep Fried Sesame Seaweed Roll


Ingredients 材料:

Dried seaweed, 4 sheets 紫菜 4 張
Finely shredded bamboo shoots, carrots and black fungus, ½ cup each 茭白筍絲、紅蘿蔔絲、黑木耳絲各 ½ 杯
Finely shredded cucumber, ½ cup 黃瓜絲 ½ 杯
White sesame, 1 cup 白芝麻 1 杯

Seasoning 調味料:

Salt, ½ teaspoon; white pepper, small amount 鹽 ½ 茶匙,白胡椒粉少許
Flour 2/3 cup; water ½ tablespoon 麵粉 2/3 杯,水 ½ 湯匙

Cooking Method 做法:

  1. Separately blanch shredded bamboo shoots, carrots and black fungus, rinse in cold water and squeeze dry. Mix with shredded cucumber, add salt, white pepper, divide into 4 portions.  Set aside.
    茭白筍絲、紅蘿蔔絲、黑木耳絲分別用開水川燙後,即過冷水,瀝乾水份和黃瓜絲,分別拌入鹽, 白胡椒粉,分成四份備用。
  2. For each sheet of seaweed, lay flat, add 1 portion each of shredded bamboo shoots, carrots and black fungus and shredded cucumber. Roll up, seal the edge with flour paste .  Sprinkle on sesame.  Deep fried for 3 minutes until sesame is golden in color.  Slice at an angle into biteable sizes.
    取紫菜一張平舖,依序舖上以上步驟處理好的茭白筍絲、紅蘿蔔絲、黑木耳絲及黃瓜絲各1份,捲成長筒形,沾麵糊, 再沾上白芝麻, 放入中溫油炸 3 分鐘,芝麻成金黃色撈起,切斜段。
  3. Serve on a platter with lettuce and sliced tomatoes.