Wooden Fish 木魚

Wooden Fish

A Wooden Fish — also known as a Chinese temple block or wooden bell. It is often used during rituals in keeping the rhythm of recitation of Sutras, Mantras, or other Buddhist texts. As fish do not sleep and stay alert even during resting, the wooden fish instrument symbolizes wakeful attention and awareness. The purpose of striking the wooden fish during chanting serves to remind sangha and laities not to be lethargic and lazy. One should practice Dharma diligently day and night until they achieved their goal of practice.

以木製成的魚形法器,在讀誦經文時叩擊之, 以保持節奏。據說魚類晝夜常醒不眠,今以木刻成魚形而叩擊之,目的在警惕眾人不可昏沉懶惰,應該晝夜精勤修行佛法,直到成功為止。

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    Dharma-vessel 法器
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