53 Pilgrimages on Potalaka
The chapter entitled “Entering the Dharma Realm” of The Avatamsaka Sutra is about the journey of a merchant’s son named Sudhana (Good Wealth), whose birth spontaneously brought forth vessels of jewels in the household. Having great merits and virtues, Sudhana first sought enlightenment from Manjusri Bodhisattva (Wenshu), who told him to seek advice from 53 good teachers. His last pilgrimage to Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (Puxian)
concluded his quest for enlightenment.
The 27th teacher Sudhana visited was Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (Guanyin), who instructed him the conduct of Great Compassion. After his enlightenment, he assisted Guanyin in liberating all living beings. His final pilgrimage to Puxian led him to ultimate liberation. Sudhana is a role model for today’s practitioners.
This woodcarving depicts images of the 53 spiritual teachers, including Water-Moon Guanyin, Sudhana Bodhisattva, Dragon Girl Bodhisattva, the ascetic image of Sakyamuni, 20 Heavenly Kings including Skanda Bodhisattva and Samgharama Bodhisattva, 8 Devas and Nagas, 8 Celestial Deities, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, etc. (Total: 53 persons).
此五十三參圖共有 水月觀音像、善財菩薩像、龍女菩薩像、釋迦摩尼苦修像、20諸天(共20尊,含韋馱菩薩、伽藍菩薩)、天龍八部(8尊)、飛天像(8尊)、文殊菩薩、普賢菩薩等等53尊。
The dimension of this wood work is 26m x 5.3m, situated behind the three Buddhas and the two Bodhisattvas in the Main Buddha Hall. It is an exquisite work of art with intricate carvings of the 53 spiritual teachers, each figure standing and measuring about 1.08m.
Sponsorship (permanent) - for the 53 spiritual teachers:
1. Water-Moon Guanyin: 2.6m, CAD $168,000, single donor or a combination of 10 donors.
2. Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva: each 1.4m, CAD $68,000 single donor or a combination of 10 donors.
3. Other figures: each 0.8m – 1.5m, approximately CAD $28,000, $38,000, $48,000 each (please refer to the brochure for more details), single donor or a combination of 10 donors.
To Donate please contact 捐款詳情請洽:
Cham Shan Temple Front Desk 加拿大佛教會湛山精舍 香油台
Address 地址:7254 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, Ont. Canada, L3T 2R6
Call Front Desk (香油台)電話: 905-886-6481
1-905-886-1522 X-234
Or 或者
Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden Front Desk 加國五台山 香油台
Address 地址:708 Ski Hill Rd. R38, Cavan-Monaghan, Ont. Canada L0A 1A0
Call Front Desk (香油台)電話: 705-991-0708