Gilding of Buddha and Bodhisattva Statues
Three Buddhas and Four Bodhisattvas in the Main Buddha Hall
Manjusri Bodhisattva Statues in the Five Directions
All Buddha Statues in the Buddhist Garden
All Buddha and Bodhisattva Statues in Cham Shan Temple
湛山精舍準提菩薩, 觀音菩薩, 全寺佛像貼金
In the “Past-Present-Future Sutra” it states: "What causes one in high position in this life? One cause is the gilding the Buddha statue in one's past life, as one reaps what one sows. Gilding a Buddha statue is gilding oneself. What adorns the Buddha adorns oneself." To cover the Buddha statue with gold sheets is to enhance the stature of the Buddha and to bring forth a sense of respect and purity to the viewer. Gilding Buddha statues is a meritorious deed to accrue merit and virtue in one's cultivation, which brings blessing to one's parents and
career. The merit gained is inconceivable as it brings fortune to this life and helps in future liberation.
Gild Categories
$20 $50 $80 $200 $500 $1000 $5000
Name engraved for $500 and over($500以上將留刻功德芳名)
The virtues of making Buddha statues are mentioned in several Sutras and they are
summarized below:
1. All past light offences will be eradicated and heavy offences will be diminished.
2. Protection against plague, flood, fire, robbery, war, and imprisonment.
3. Benefit from the Dharma to be forever free of suffering from vengeance and retribution.
4. Cannot be harmed by ghost, poisonous snake and hungry tiger.
5. Blessing of peace and health with the absence of nightmare and calamity.
6. Blessing of wealth, harmony and longevity.
7. Gain affection and respect from others.
8. The fool becomes wise; the sick becomes healthy; the poor becomes rich; the
oppressed becomes liberated.
9. Forever reborn in favorable realms with good look, intelligence and luck.
10. Reborn in land of Dharma, to help self, relatives and all beings towards Buddhahood.
三、 夙生怨怼,鹹蒙法益,而得解脫,永免尋仇報複之苦。
To Donate please contact 捐款詳情請洽:
Cham Shan Temple Front Desk 加拿大佛教會湛山精舍 香油台
Address 地址:7254 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, Ont. Canada, L3T 2R6
Call Front Desk (香油台)電話: 905-886-6481
1-905-886-1522 X-234
Or 或者
Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden Front Desk 加國五台山 香油台
Address 地址:708 Ski Hill Rd. R38, Cavan-Monaghan, Ont. Canada L0A 1A0
Call Front Desk (香油台)電話: 705-991-0708