Sponsorship for the Prayer Flags
The consecration of the Main Buddha Hall has taken place on October 5, 2019.
Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden is similar to Mount Wutai of China, both sacred sites offering worship for Mahayana and Tibetan Buddhism.
加拿大五台山大雄寶殿落成,已於2019年10月5日開光。 未來的加拿大五台山也是和中國五台山一樣,是顯密圓融的道場。
There are 2,358 prayer flags carrying wisdom from the Bodhisattva Manjusri (Wenshu) mantra and 1,000 prayer flags carrying compassion from the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) mantra, providing an excellent opportunity for everyone to sponsor them and gain immeasurable merits through these sponsorships.
為了讓文殊師利菩薩的慈悲加持能夠攝授到每個人的心田中。 加拿大五台山特別訂製了文殊心咒經幡2358面、觀音菩薩心咒經幡1000面,以方便大眾認供。懸掛經幡功德利益不可思議!
In Tibet, hanging the colorful prayer flags with sacred Buddhist teachings are popular and can be seen everywhere at the top of the mountains, by the rivers, along the road sides and around the temples and sacred sites, with the prayers and mantras being blown by the wind to spread the wisdom and compassion from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to the people, providing a method to connect them.
在西藏,隨處可見掛在山頂山口、江畔河邊、道旁以及寺廟等各處被認為有靈氣地方的五彩經幡。 之所以被稱作經幡,是因為這些幡上面都印有佛經和心咒,在藏傳佛教的人們看來,隨風而舞的經幡飄動一下,就是誦經或是持咒一次,在不停地向諸佛菩薩傳達人的願望,祈求諸佛菩薩的加持庇佑。這樣,經幡便成為連接諸佛菩薩與人的紐帶。
The prayer flags signify the presence of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and the hopes and prayers of the sponsors. It is amazing that fervent prayers are often answered!
They can be sponsored individually or with multiple flags as a group, bestowing blessings for you and your family!
Each prayer flag: CAD $28 including flag pole, installation and decoration
To Donate please contact 捐款詳情請洽:
Cham Shan Temple Front Desk 加拿大佛教會湛山精舍 香油台
Address 地址 : 7254 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, Ont. Canada, L3T 2R6
Call Front Desk (香油台)電話 : 905-886-6481
1-905-886-1522 X內線-234 / X內線-292
Or 或者
Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden Front Desk 加國五台山 香油台
Address 地址:708 Ski Hill Rd. R38, Cavan-Monaghan, Ont. Canada L0A 1A0
Call Front Desk (香油台)電話: 705-991-0708