Tree Planting And Gardening

Following the Consecration of the Main Buddha Hall and the Buddhist statues within, work begins on the landscape and creation of a Buddhist garden. Its horticultural design will blend in harmoniously with the beautiful environment in accordance with the guidelines of a traditional Buddhist garden, offering peace and tranquility to all the visitors.
There are 3 zones in the horticultural design for the site, namely the areas surrounding The Main Gate, The Maitreya Buddha and The Main Buddha Hall Square.
特此,加拿大五台山特設花園種植認捐功德。 第一期功德專案分爲三部分:山門景區(48願塔林)、彌勒佛景區、大殿前廣場景區。
1. The Main Gate (48-Vows Stupas):
Two rows of trees will line the 48-Vows Stupas. The outer row will be planted with evergreen blue cedar trees, while the inner row will be planted with seasonal maple trees.
a) 24 seasonal Maple Trees – CAD$ 600 each
b) 24 evergreen Blue Cedar Trees- CAD$ 980 each
2. The Maitreya Buddha:
Within 100 metres to the left and right of the Maitreya Buddha statue, 3 areas will be planted with displays of colorful shrubs and evergreen trees.
a) 100 Begonia shrubs – CAD $600 each
b) 400 Burning Bush shrubs – CAD $100 each
c) 350 Japanese Barberry shrubs – CAD $100 each
d) 500 Spiraea shrubs – CAD $100 each
e) 400 Evergreen trees – CAD $580 each
3. The Main Buddha Hall Square:
In accordance with traditional Chinese temple design, the Public Square will be planted with tall evergreen trees and colorful flower beds.
a) 2 Good-Health and Longevity evergreen Pine and Cypress Trees – CAD $18,000 each
b) 2 large Flower Beds – CAD $8,000 each
The sutras state the unfathomable merits for the planting of trees and shrubs in a Buddhist Garden: Good Eyesight, Perpetual Happiness, Purified Body, Fearless Mind, Free of Illness, Enjoy Longevity.
1. 楓樹(季節性)24棵 $600/顆
2. 藍杉(常青)24棵 $980/棵
1. 海棠 200 棵, $600/棵
2. 灌木(鬼箭羽,Burning bush)400 棵, $100/棵
3. 日本小檗(Japanese Barberry) 350 棵, $100/棵
4. 繡線菊(Spiraea) 500棵, $100/棵
5. 長青大樹 40棵, $580/棵
1. 福壽雙樹(松柏常青兩棵),每棵$18000
2. 兩個花壇, 每個$8000 佛說植樹供花供的利益不可思議
♦眼得明目 ♦心常歡喜 ♦身體潔淨 ♦沒有畏懼 ♦沒有病痛 ♦命得長壽
種植 「智慧樹」,愛護地球,綠化五台山
Construction has begun for the 6th Patriarch Master Hui Neng "Wisdom Forest", where 1300 "Wisdom trees" will be planted. Each tree is $280. Names of all sponsors will be recorded and mentioned in ceremonial and memorial services. The merit of planting a tree goes a long way to benefit many future generations.
To participate in this project of "Wisdom Tree" planting, please sign up with Wutai Shan Promotion Group or at Cham Shan Front Desk for notification of upcoming activities.
To Donate please contact 捐款詳情請洽:
Cham Shan Temple Front Desk 加拿大佛教會湛山精舍 香油台
Address 地址:7254 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, Ont. Canada, L3T 2R6
Call Front Desk (香油台)電話: 905-886-6481
1-905-886-1522 X-234
Or 或者
Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden Front Desk 加國五台山 香油台
Address 地址:708 Ski Hill Rd. R38, Cavan-Monaghan, Ont. Canada L0A 1A0
Call Front Desk (香油台)電話: 705-991-0708