Master Huineng, Sixth Patriarch of Chan 六祖惠能大師
The Sixth Patriarch Huineng, the master of Chan Buddhism, is a famous Chinese monk and Buddhist reformer, the actual founder of Chan Buddhism, and one of the few great thinkers in Chinese history. Since his time, Chan Buddhism has blossomed and prospered, masters have emerged in large numbers, and Chan schools have been established one after another, establishing a strong foundation and glorified vision for the future . Nanhua Temple in Shaoguan, China is the ancestral court of the Sixth Patriarch Huineng. The current Abbot Chuan Zheng learned that The Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple is preparing to build the Four Great Sacred Buddhist Gardens in Canada, he specially made a bronze statue of the Six Patriarch and donated to Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden, Canada. He also presented a staff, a kasaya, an alms bowl and a rare copy of the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch to Cham Shan Temple. Pray that the teachings of the Sixth Patriarch will be rooted in Canada, and the spirit of Chan will be carried forward in North America.
六祖慧能大師,禪宗一代宗師,是中國著名高僧和佛教改革者,禪宗的實際創始人,也是中國歷史上屈指可數的偉大思想家。自他之後,禪宗百花齊放,爭奇鬥艷,大師輩出,五家七宗相繼建立,開創了光耀千秋的輝煌局面。中國韶關南華寺是六祖惠能大師祖庭。現任住持傳正大和尚得知加拿大佛教會湛山精舍正在籌建加國佛教四大名山, 特別製作了六祖大師銅像捐贈給加國五台山,並贈送錫杖、袈裟、銅缽和珍本《六祖壇經》給湛山。祈願讓六祖的思想植根於加拿大,將禪的精神在北美髮揚光大。