Embarking on a New Journey!
The First Graduation Ceremony of the Collaborative Program Between the Buddhist College of Canada and the University of Toronto
On the afternoon of November 23, 2024, the Buddhist College of Canada, in collaboration with Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto, hosted the graduation ceremony for the inaugural cohort of its "Compassionate Canopy" Continuing Education Buddhist Studies Program. This event marked a significant milestone in the partnership between the Buddhist College of Canada and Emmanuel College, as well as a celebratory moment for the 24 graduates of this groundbreaking program.
Opening Remarks by Venerable Dayi
Ven. Dayi, President of the Buddhist Association of Canada and President of the Board of Directors of the Buddhist College of Canada, extended his heartfelt gratitude to the guests and the broader community. He expressed his joy in celebrating the first graduating class of the Continuing Education Program and acknowledged the significance of this milestone.
In his remarks, Ven. Dayi expressed gratitude to Principal Kim-Cragg for her vision and guidance, which were instrumental in bringing this program to fruition. He emphasized the program's focus on cultivating Buddhist talent through its unique approach of blending theoretical teachings with practical applications, creating a holistic and enriching learning experience. Ven. Dayi also highlighted the Buddhist College’s motto, “Realize the Mind, Enlighten the World,” encouraging graduates to bring light into their own lives and the lives of others through the wisdom gained in this program.
Looking ahead, he invited the graduates to share their learning experiences with future students, inspiring others to embark on this transformative journey.
Remarks by Principal Kim-Cragg
Principal Kim-Cragg expressed her delight at the success of this inaugural collaboration, which exceeded all expectations. She thanked Ven. Dayi for his visionary leadership in providing students with a spiritually enriching learning environment at Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden and extended her heartfelt gratitude to all the volunteers who contributed to this achievement.
She also announced an exciting development: following a rigorous selection process conducted by the Search Committee made up of 8 members (faculties, alumni, and students), chaired by Principal Kim-Cragg, Professor Jennifer Bright was appointed to the Wutai Shan Venerable Dayi Professorship in Buddhist Spiritual Care. Ven. Dayi expressed his joy, noting that Professor Jennifer Bright also serves as an instructor at the Buddhist College of Canada. He emphasized that this appointment will undoubtedly strengthen the collaboration with Emmanuel College. He conveyed his confidence that Professor Bright will continue to share the wisdom and compassion of Buddhism through spiritual care, benefiting people from all walks of life.
Speeches by Professors
Four professors—Eleanor Pontoriero, Jennifer Bright, Barbara Hazelton, and Henry Shiu—shared their reflections during the event. They expressed heartfelt gratitude for the leadership of Ven. Dayi and Principal Kim-Cragg, as well as their privilege to teach at the spiritually enriching Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden.
The professors were deeply impressed by the dedication and enthusiasm of the 24 outstanding students, noting that they had also learned a great deal from their engagement. They expressed their excitement about continuing their teaching at Wutai Shan in the future.
Buddhist College of Canada Student Reflections
- Janet Lee shared her journey of witnessing the collaboration between the Buddhist Association of Canada and Emmanuel College, which began from scratch and ultimately culminated in a remarkable success. Reflecting on this process, she expressed immense joy and deep emotion, acknowledging that today’s achievements were hard-earned and made possible through the silent dedication of countless individuals. As a student of the inaugural program, Janet expressed a profound sense of pride and candidly shared how much she had gained from the experience, both personally and spiritually.
- Christopher Fung sincerely shared that he gained invaluable insights from this learning experience and, through personal engagement, developed a deeper appreciation for the importance of education. He emphasized that today’s graduation is not the end but rather the beginning of a new milestone in the journey ahead.
- Amina Moon expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Buddhist College of Canada and Emmanuel College for fostering a learning environment filled with care and inspiration. What began as a personal interest course over the three-month program evolved into a profound call to action. The teachings encouraged inner transformation, while the teachings of the Eightfold Paths, particularly "Right Effort", inspired participants to cultivate positive states of mind, abandon unwholesome mindsets, and integrate these principles into a daily framework of mindfulness and intentionality. She emphasized that, while it is important to recognize that everyone is doing their best, we are also called to strive for better—for ourselves, for others, and for the world.
- Mandy Sandhu said "I have always longed to deepen my understanding of Buddhism, and it wasn’t until I happened to step into the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden that I discovered this program. This program has significantly enriched my life, allowing me to apply the knowledge I gained to my work in psychotherapy. The integration of Buddhism and psychotherapy has provided me with valuable new insights. While I had previously taught mindfulness courses, this program offered me a fresh perspective. Professor Eleanor's teachings, in particular, were deeply inspiring. I also recall a profound experience studying sutras with Professor Henry, who explained how Chinese symbols convey complex ideas. In that moment, I had a revelation about the Sanskrit origins of these concepts, which added an entirely new dimension to my understanding. This program has profoundly moved me, and I am committed to continuing my study of Buddhist teachings. I am deeply honored to be part of the first cohort of the 'Compassionate Canopy' program and to have shared this transformative journey with such outstanding classmates."
- Master William shared his reflections during the ceremony. He said: "I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my Master, Venerable Dayi, who not only ordained me this past May but also supported my Dharma practice at the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden and generously sponsored my enrollment in this program. Without his help, I would not be able to share this transformative experience today. I also wish to thank Principal Kim-Cragg and Ven. Dayi for their dedicated efforts in ensuring the success of this course. Additionally, I am deeply grateful to the professors at Emmanuel College, whose insights and teachings have profoundly enriched our learning journey. This program has laid a solid foundation for our Dharma practice. However, the philosophy of Dharma practice is both profound and expansive, requiring a lifetime of exploration. While this course has concluded, our journey in Dharma practice has only just begun. I sincerely encourage all my fellow students and mentors to continue exploring their path of mindfulness through Dharma practice. I genuinely look forward to seeing everyone here discover their own opportunities for Enlightenment."
Graduation Certificates and Closing Reflections
Venerable Dayi and Principal Kim-Cragg presented certificates to the graduates. The ceremony was a harmonious blend of joy, gratitude, and anticipation for new journeys, leaving an indelible mark of significance and beauty.
The event concluded with group photos to commemorate the occasion.
加拿大佛教會會長、加拿大佛學院校董會主席,達義大和尚在致辭中首先代表學院,向來賓以及社會各界表示誠摯的感謝和崇高的敬意。他表示:今天我們非常高興相聚一堂,共同慶祝本校繼續教育項目首屆畢業班的順利畢業。我要感謝Kim- Cragg校長,您的遠見卓識使得這個項目成為可能,我們衷心感激您在過去一年的洞察力和指導。我們深信,培養佛教人才至關重要。像這樣的項目不僅強調佛教教義的理論,更注重實踐,為學生提供全面的學習經驗。
以馬內利學院院長Kim-Cragg非常高興地表示,與加拿大佛學院的首次合作不僅超出預期,而且取得了極大的成功。她特別感謝達義大和尚的遠見卓識,為學生們提供了一個充滿靈氣的加國五台山作為上課場地,同時也向所有無私奉獻的義工們表達了誠摯的謝意。在畢業典禮上,她宣布了一個令人振奮的消息:經過公開的遴選程序,遴選委員會由8名成員組成,包括來自以馬內利學院及其他學院的教師和學生,由HyeRan校長擔任主席。經過審慎的討論和評估,委員會一致決定任命 Jennifer Bright 教授為加國五台山達義大和尚佛教心靈關懷教授席教授。
達義大和尚對此表達了由衷的喜悅,並提到Jennifer Bright教授同時也是加拿大佛學院的講師。他強調,這項任命無疑會進一步鞏固與以馬內利學院的合作關係。他深信,Bright教授將通過佛教的智慧與慈悲,在心靈關懷領域惠及社會各界人士。
四位教授Eleanor Pontoriero、Jennifer Bright、Barbara Hazelton、邵頌雄教授,均出席了此次活動並發表演說。發言中,他們紛紛表達了對達義大和尚和Kim-Cragg校長卓越領導力的由衷感謝,同時也提到能夠在加拿大五台山這樣一個充滿靈氣的地方授課感到無比感恩。他們也特別提到,本屆的24位優秀學生給他們留下了深刻的印象。教授們表示,通過學生在課堂上的認真態度和積極參與,他們自己也從中學到了很多。此項目遠遠超出了他們的預期並期待未來繼續到加國五台山授課。
隨後,學生Janet Lee分享了她一路見證加拿大佛教會與以馬內利學院從零開始建立合作並最終取得成果的整個過程。作為一名見證者,她感到無比的欣喜和感動。她深知今天的成就得來不易,背後凝聚了無數人的默默付出。身為首屆課程的學員,她倍感自豪,並坦言從中受益良多。
學生 Christopher Fung發言分享。他真誠地表示,自己在這段學習經驗中收穫頗豐,透過切身體會,更深刻體會到教育的重要性。並表示,今天的畢業並不是結束,而是一個新的里程碑的起點。
學生Amina Moon發言分享。她表示,首先感謝加拿大佛學院和以馬內利學院,你們創造了一個充滿關懷和啟發的學習環境,這個課程歷時三個月,從最初的個人興趣課程轉變為一份行動的召喚,教義邀請我們進行內在的轉變,「正精進」提醒我們培養積極的狀態,摒棄不善的心態,與一個鼓勵每日正念與意圖的框架相融合,在我們承認每個人都在盡力的同時,我們也被召喚去做得更好 ―― 為了自己,為了別人,為了這個世界。
學生Mandy Sandhu發言分享。她說:我一直渴望深入了解佛教,直到偶然走進五台山佛教花園,發現了這個課程。這個課程大大豐富了我的生活,我開始將學到的知識應用於心理治療工作。佛教與心理治療的結合讓我有了新的體會。我曾教授正念課程,但在這裡,我從新的角度學習,Eleanor教授的教學讓我深受啟發。我還記得與Henry教授學習經文時的深刻體驗,他解釋了中文符號表達思想的方式,我頓悟了這些概念的梵文起源。這個課程讓我深受觸動,我將繼續學習佛教教義。我很榮幸能成為「慈悲的傘蓋」項目的第一屆學員,與優秀的同學們共同學習。