the Buddhist College of Canada Open Day 加拿大佛學院開放日20240525

The Buddhist College of Canada Open Day


On May 25, 2024, the Buddhist College of Canada hosted its inaugural open day event at the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden. The occasion served as an introduction to the college's curriculum, campus facilities, teaching methodologies, enrollment procedures, and more.

The President of the Buddhist Association of Canada and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Buddhist College of Canada, Venerable Dayi Shi, along with four professors from Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto—Dr. Jeffrey W. Cupchik, Dr. Jennifer Bright, Dr. Henry Shiu, and Dr. Eleanor Pontoriero—graced the seminar with their presence. Additionally, esteemed guests and over ten local Toronto media representatives attended the event.

At 11 a.m., the open day and briefing session commenced. Venerable Dayi, President of the Buddhist Association of Canada, and Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Buddhist College of Canada, delivered a warm and welcoming address to inaugurate the event.

Venerable Dayi eloquently recounted the evolution of Buddhism in North America, alongside the challenging journey undertaken by the three founding Venerable of Cham Shan Temple in establishing the Buddhist Association of Canada. With clarity and simplicity, he elucidated the profound significance behind the Buddhist College of Canada's motto, "Realize the Mind; Enlighten the World," underscoring its original intent and purpose. Emphasizing a mission rooted in harmony between theory and practice, as well as fostering diverse integration, the College aims to perpetuate the profound legacy of the Buddha, nurture international Buddhist talents, foster spiritual purification, contribute to the community, and ultimately benefit all sentient beings.

Venerable Dayi Shi 達義大和尚
Venerable Dayi Shi 達義大和尚

The Buddhist Association of Canada and Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto will jointly offer a Buddhist program through the Buddhist College of Canada. This program will be taking place at the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden.

Following Venerable Dayi's address, Dr. Jennifer Bright, Dr. Jeffrey W. Cupchik, Dr. Eleanor Pontoriero, and Dr. Henry Shiu from Emmanuel College took turns presenting the content of the five courses offered at the Buddhist College of Canada. Their enthusiastic sharing of years of practical experience captivated the audience, earning their trust and admiration. Warm applause filled the venue, reflecting the appreciation of the public.

The four professors share three notable characteristics: each holds a doctoral degree and boasts extensive teaching experience in universities. Furthermore, they all possess a deep-rooted connection to Buddhism, having dedicated years to its study and practice. Consequently, the courses they teach transcend mere theory, seamlessly integrating their wealth of practical experience and accumulated wisdom into the curriculum.

Member of Parliament Han Dong, a devoted disciple of Cham Shan Temple, graced the open day event with his presence and extended heartfelt congratulations on the inauguration of the Buddhist College of Canada in his speech. He expressed gratitude to the college for providing valuable opportunities for Buddhist practice and education, emphasizing the positive impact such endeavors have on our communities.

Throughout the question-and-answer session, distinguished guests and fellow Buddhists engaged actively, posing inquiries about the outlook, career trajectories, degree accreditation, advanced studies, and curriculum offerings of the Buddhist College of Canada. Host Winnie Chan adeptly addressed each query, providing comprehensive and detailed responses. The ambiance was characterized by warmth and vibrancy, reflecting the enthusiasm and curiosity of all participants.

Following the open event, professors and guests embarked on a tour of the Buddhist College of Canada's classrooms, as well as the various halls within the serene setting of the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden. This included visits to the Hall of Shancai, the Museum of Buddhist Art, the Hall of Sarira, and the Main Dharma Hall. Within the Main Dharma Hall, the professors participated in the ritual ceremony, offering flowers and candlelight as they immersed themselves in the unique atmosphere of the college, which harmoniously balances academic study with spiritual practice.

In September of this year, the Buddhist College of Canada will inaugurate five courses, encompassing teachings from the three primary traditions of Buddhism. These courses include "Buddhist Mindfulness and Secular Mindfulness," "Chinese Buddhist Liturgy," "Buddhism and Psychotherapy," "Buddhist Ritual Music," and "Buddhist Approach to Death and Dying in Canada."

The establishment of the Buddhist College of Canada represents a comprehensive exploration into the distinctive perspectives and practices of traditional Buddhist culture within Canada's multicultural milieu. It aims to offer a profound understanding of the teachings and rituals across various Buddhist traditions, enabling the adaptation and application of these ancient practices within the Canadian context.

Professor Jennifer Bright
Professor Jennifer Bright

Courses are tailored to emphasize practical applications, delving into topics such as the pivotal role of Buddhist hospice caregivers in end-of-life care, mourning traditions, and ethical considerations in palliative practices. Students will delve into the cultural, spiritual, and psychological dimensions of mindfulness meditation and end-of-life care, thereby gaining invaluable insights into this profound stage of the human life cycle.

Upon completion of the five courses, students will receive a certificate jointly issued by Emmanuel College of Victoria University at the University of Toronto and the Buddhist College of Canada, attesting to their comprehensive understanding and proficiency in these vital areas of study.

The Buddhist College of Canada boasts significant advantages in its educational endeavors. As an initiative of the Buddhist Association of Canada, the nation's premier Buddhist organization, it stands as a pioneer in the history of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism within Canada. With a legacy marked by the creation of numerous landmarks in the development of Buddhism in the country, it holds a profound local foundation for the global dissemination of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism.

Moreover, the College benefits from its affiliation with the University of Toronto, renowned globally for its academic excellence. Emmanuel College, a part of the university's esteemed Victoria University, carries a rich heritage spanning a century, making it one of the oldest religious colleges at the institution. Bolstered by its extensive history in religious education and the accumulation of disciplinary knowledge, Emmanuel College offers a comprehensive religious education assessment system and practical strategies. Additionally, it boasts a wealth of international multi-faith lecturers.

The collaboration between these two esteemed institutions is poised to set a new standard in Buddhist education in North America, promising to carve out a fresh monument in the annals of academic excellence and spiritual enlightenment.

Professor Eleanor Pontoriero
Professor Eleanor Pontoriero


加拿大佛教會會長、加拿大佛學院校董會主席達義大和尚,多倫多大學內維多利亞大學的以馬內利學院(Emmanuel College)派來的四位主講教授Jeffrey W. Cupchik博士、Jennifer Bright博士、Henry Shiu博士、Eleanor Pontoriero博士,各界嘉賓,以及十餘家多倫多本地媒體出席了宣講會。




隨後,來自多倫多大學Emmanuel College的Jennifer Bright博士、Jeffrey W. Cupchik博士、Eleanor Pontoriero博士、Henry Shiu博士,相繼介紹了加拿大佛學院的五門課程內容,並熱情分享了多年的修行心得,博得了在場大眾的熱烈掌聲!

Professor Henry Shiu
Professor Henry Shiu



Member of Parliament Han Dong 加拿大聯邦國會議員董晗鵬
Member of Parliament Han Dong 加拿大聯邦國會議員董晗鵬




加拿大佛學院的開辦,將全面探索在加拿大多元文化環境中,佛教傳統文化對於社會和個人修行的獨特視角和實踐,深入介紹不同派系佛教的教義和儀式,讓這些古老實踐如何在加拿大的社會環境中被適應和應用。課程關注實際方面,包括佛教慈護師在臨終關懷中的角色、哀悼實踐以及在緩和治療設置中的倫理考慮。學生將瞭解正念禪修和臨終關懷的文化、精神和心理維度,為那些尋求對這一階段生命週期更深理解的人提供寶貴見解。完成以上五門課程後,可獲頒多倫多大學Emmanuel College和加拿大佛學院共同頒發的證書。

加拿大佛學院辦學優勢顯著。加拿大佛教會是加拿大首個全國性的佛教組織,是加國漢傳佛教歷史的開創者,是加國佛教發展史上一座又一座豐碑的締造者,擁有最深厚的漢傳佛教國際弘傳的本土化實踐經驗,擁有最完備的學僧進修和實踐的宗教儀軌和條件,擁有海外最多元化的文化培養體驗機會;多倫多大學又是世界頂尖的高等學府,其附屬維多利亞大學的Emmanuel College擁有近百年的悠久歷史,是多倫多大學中歷史最為悠久的宗教學院之一,擁有歷史悠久的宗教教育經驗和學科積累,擁有完備的宗教教育考核體系和實踐策略,擁有最具國際化的宗教教育師資力量。相信此次雙方的聯合辦學,必定會鑄造出北美佛教教育新的豐碑!