Buddhist Temples 佛教寺廟

Buddhist Temples


In Buddhism there is no single place of worship. This is because Buddhists can practice both in their home and in the temple. Temples are important as they bring not only Buddhists but also the community together in general. A temple can be considered as the heart of the community.

Temples symbolize the long history and rich culture of China and are regarded as valuable art treasures. Chinese temples are well kept cultural artifacts of every dynasty. And temple culture has influenced every aspect of Chinese people's life such as painting, calligraphy, music, sculpture, architecture, temple fairs, folk-customs and many others. Chinese temples use various pillars, beams and arches interlaced with each other to compose an architecture complex.
寺廟象徵著中國悠久的歷史和豐富的文化,被視為寶貴的藝術瑰寶。 中國不同寺廟是保存每個朝代的文物。 廟宇文化影響了中國人民生活的方方面面,例如繪畫,書法,音樂,雕塑,建築,法會,民俗等。 中國的寺廟使用相互交錯的各種柱子,橫樑和拱門構成建築群。


Chinese temples provide a harmonious and tranquil environment for its visitors. Religious services are carried out that is well adapted to the mundane everyday world.
在中國寺廟中漫步時會給人和諧和舒適的感覺。 進行宗教服務時,應鼓勵進入凡人世界的精神。

Buddhist architecture is regarded as a great art treasure where Chinese calligraphy, sculpture and Chinese painting are well integrated. Being the spiritual symbols of Buddhism, they are not only monastic holy places, but also serve as sacred land that can purify one’s mind.
佛教建築被視為中國書法,雕塑和中國繪畫相結合的偉大藝術寶藏。 作為佛教的精神像徵,它們不僅是擁有寺院的莊嚴,而且還是可以淨化心靈的佛土。

Buddhist temples are spaces where anyone, Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike, are welcomed to make offerings. These offerings are symbols of appreciation to the Buddha for what he has shared with us. Common offerings include:

• Flowers, reminding us of the Law of Impermanence in all things
• Incense, representing the Right Speech and Right Action the Buddha has taught
• Candles, which are lit to represent the idea of light triumphing over darkness and knowledge triumphing over ignorance
• Fruits, reminding one on the Law of Cause & Effect

Temples are spaces where all visitors, Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike,
• attend Dharma Services,
• practise meditation,
• diminish our discrimination, intolerance, anger, fear, and despair
• cultivate concentration and insight in order to free us from the illusion of fear and ego
• cultivating the insight of interbeing and compassion
• not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to support any act of killing in the world, both in one's thinking and in one's way of life
• practice Right Livelihood
• cultivating loving speech and compassionate listening
• nourish capacity to understanding, love, joy, and inclusiveness
• cultivating mindful eating habits for oneself, family and community, in order to benefit both physically and mentally

The Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden is committed to build an environment with elements to achieve the temple's missions. The followings are the details of the elements that you can explore when visiting.

The Five Platforms of Manjusri Bodhisattva 五臺


The Eight Sights 八景


The Sixteen Points of Interest 十六點