Occupancy Permit was issued on Dec 22, 2023
Granting of the Occupancy Permit
After 12 years of construction, on Winter Solstice day on December 22, 2023, the North American’s Buddhist sacred site, Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada, received the engineering and fire safety approvals from the municipality. This successful acquisition of the occupancy permit signifies that the Main Hall is in compliance with building codes and granted permission for public opening.
At 9 a.m., Kyle Philips, the Chief Building Official of Cavan Monaghan overseeing the project, and Bill Balfour, the Fire Chief, personally arrived at Wutai Shan. They handed over the official occupancy permit, authorizing the public opening of the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden, to Ven. Dayi Shi, who serves as both the President of the Buddhist Association of Canada and the Abbot of Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden. Monastics present at the scene bore witness to this historic moment, their emotions overwhelmed with profound awe and joy.
The Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada bears the commitment of two generations of monastics, half a century of meticulous effort, and the unwavering support of followers from all directions. Since its groundbreaking in 2011, the project has navigated the challenges of twelve years, persevering through the trials and tribulations of its arduous journey, ultimately reaching the joyous milestone of its grand opening."
In 2023, Cham Shan Temple celebrates its Jubilee Year, and Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden sees its inaugural year. Sixty years ago, Ven. Lok To, Ven. Shing Cheung, and Ven. Sing Hung arrived in North America, marking the beginning of a new era in Canadian Buddhist history. Over forty years ago, the 'Three Founders of Cham Shan,' particularly Ven. Sing Hung, pledged to establish the Four Buddhist Gardens in Canada, with the initial focus on Wutai Shan. Two decades ago, Ven. Dayi Shi received the Dharma transmission of the Tiantai lineage, assuming the role of Abbot at Cham Shan Temple in Toronto. True to the visions of his predecessors, he initiated the construction of Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden. In 2011, the groundbreaking ceremony for Wutai Shan took place. Over twelve years, Ven. Dayi Shi toiled ceaselessly, working day and night, dedicating his utmost efforts. Meeting the expectations of the public, the initial phase of Wutai Shan’s construction has been successfully completed.
上午9時許,負責驗收工程的CAVAN MONAGHAN市政主管Kyle Philips 和當地消防局長Bill Balfour親自來到加國五台山,將政府批准加國五台山對外開放的許可文件,送到加拿大佛教會會長、加國 五台山住持達義大和尚手中。 在場僧眾見證這一歷史性時刻,百感交集,熱淚盈眶。
加國五座山承載兩代高僧、半世紀心血,承載十方大眾鼎力支持。 工程自2011年奠基以來,歷經十二年風霜雪雨,經過九九八十一難的坎坷歷程,終於迎來開園開放的喜訊。
2023年是湛山禧年,也是加國五台山元年。 六十年前,樂渡、誠祥、性空三位長老來到北美,開創了加國佛教的歷史一頁;四十多年前,「湛山三老」、特別是性空長老發願,在 加拿大建設加國佛教四大名山,首期工程為加國五台山;二十年前,達義大和尚接掌佛教天台宗法脈,擔任多倫多湛山精舍住持,秉承師志倡導加國五台山,2011 年,加國五台山動工。 十二年時光,達義大和尚夙興夜寐、殫精竭慮,不負眾望、建山功成。