Milestone (建設歷程) 1

Milestone (建設歷程) 1


1990 –1350 acres of land were bought in Peterborough County and the City of Kawartha Lakes for the construction of the Four Great Sacred Buddhist Gardens in Canada.
Design for the development of the first site began shortly after. Many meetings took place with the local government authorities to discuss the various required permit applications, and for the rezoning of the site usage.
1990年,湛山精舍購得1350英畝土地用於加國佛教四大名山的啟建。該土地位於Peterborough County和Kawartha Lakes附近的城鎮。 購得土地後不久,園區內第一個工程設計規劃逐步展開。在此過程中,與當地政府部門開多次會議,討論建築許可和土地用途的重新規劃。