Hall of Sudhana 善財寶殿

Hall of Sudhana


The Hall of Sudhana is a multifunctional hall named after a giant relief sculpture. The lifelike figures depicted in this huge sculpture number fifty-three in total. There is also a fascinating story behind it.

The Pilgrimage in Pursuit of Enlightenment Guided by 53 Mentors depict the entire process of a practitioner attaining Buddhahood. The practitioner in this story is none other than the attendant of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, Sudhana Boy.

According to the Avatamsaka Sutra, Sudhana Boy made extensive offerings to past Buddhas, cultivating profound virtues and always rejoicing in purity. He accumulated immense merit and blessings. Sudhana Boy was born in the city of Awakening in India, and at the time of his birth, seven great treasures naturally appeared in his household. Additionally, at the moment of his birth, five hundred precious vessels materialized, leading his parents to name him "Sudhana."

As Sudhana grew up, he was influenced by the teachings and inspiration of Manjushri Bodhisattva. Sudhana embarked on a challenging journey to seek the Dharma. He tirelessly traveled southward, visiting various virtuous individuals. His visits included Bodhisattvas, monks, nuns, Upasakas, Upasikas, etc., totaling fifty-three virtuous individuals. This is the famous "Pilgrimage in Pursuit of Enlightenment Guided by 53 Mentors".

Sudhana's journey of visits and study exemplifies the path to Buddhahood. It teaches us the importance of perseverance and an open-minded approach to learning Buddhism in a humble way.

The Pilgrimage in Pursuit of Enlightenment Guided by 53 Mentors is a representative work of Mahayana Buddhism. Like every practitioner, Sudhana's heart was childlike. During his spiritual journey, he approached, observed, contemplated, and made choices in relation to each accomplished individual. He chose to learn from their virtues and kept his distance from their flaws.

Among his 53 mentors, the twenty-seventh was Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, who cared deeply for him. After acquiring the Dharma, Sudhana returned to the side of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and assisted in the Bodhisattva's compassionate mission to guide sentient beings.

This is the story of the Hall of Sudhana and the Pilgrimage in Pursuit of Enlightenment Guided by 53 Mentors at Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden.

善財寶殿是一個多功能廳,它因為一幅巨幅浮雕而得名。整個五十三參浮雕作品長26.2公尺(合86英尺),高6.4公尺 (合21英尺),供奉於五台山大殿一樓多功能廳,是一幅巨型雕工精美的藝術大作。這幅巨雕上面的人物栩栩如生,一共有53位。其中53個人物的立體雕像都是獨立的立像,每個人物雕像約1.08公尺。這裡面還有一個非常有趣的故事。




