The Museum Of Buddhist Art 佛教藝術館

The Museum Of Buddhist Art

Welcome to the Museum of Buddhist Art in Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden.

At this time, Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden is the only location in Canada with a Buddhist Art Museum. After over fifty years of efforts by two generations of Eminent Monks and numerous Buddhists, the Museum of Buddhist Art in Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden has amassed Buddhist statues, calligraphy, and artwork of various dynasties, regions, and styles. The collection provides us with a foundation for studying and recognizing the unique value of Buddhist culture.

The Museum of Buddhist Art houses twelve wall-mounted display cases and ten freestanding display cases. The current exhibition showcases Buddhist statues from the three main traditions, namely Mahayana, Vajrayana and Theravada.

Since art transcends language, nationality, and faith, it immediately enters a person’s heart. For this reason, Buddhist art is a more effective form of spiritual nourishment.

At Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada, the Museum of Buddhist Art is devoted to cultural and artistic integration, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in artistic beauty, while at the same time paving the way for spiritual transformation.





