Rahula, The Buddha’s son followed Buddha’s footsteps and became a novice monk. 羅睺羅是釋迦牟尼佛的兒子。後來佛陀出家修道,小小年紀的羅睺羅也跟著出家做沙彌
Su Dong Po, a famous scholar in Sung dynasty was closely associated with Zen Master Fo Yin. They often discussed Buddhism together. 宋朝大文豪蘇東坡,與佛印禪師是很好的朋友,兩人有一次鬥禪機
One day, a Zen master was meditating in his room with his personal attendant standing beside him. 一天,一位禪師在蒲團上靜坐, 身旁站着一位侍者。
The Buddha asked his disciples, “How long is life?” Disciple A answered rightly, “In a few decades.” 佛陀問弟子:「人生究竟有多長?」弟子甲理所當然地答道:「在數十年間。」
The Buddhist story of “The blind men and an elephant” come from ancient India where a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant before learn and imagine what the elephant is like by touching it. 佛經裏有個「瞎子摸象」的故事, 說有幾位瞎子, 各自摸着大象身體的不同部位, 並以此來判斷大象的模樣。
There was once a farm owner who hired a mechanic to install the water pipes of the farmhouse. The mechanic’s luck has not been good lately. 話說有位農場主人, 僱用了一個技工師傅來安裝農舍的水管。技工的運氣近來不佳。
That day, the girl next door had an argument with her mother again. In a fit of rage, she turned around and ran out. 那天, 鄰家的少女又跟媽媽吵架了, 一氣之下, 她轉身向外跑去。
Once upon a time, there was a king who was depressed all day long, so he sent his minister to seek for ways to happiness. One day, upon arriving at a poor village, he heard a farmer singing happily. 從前有個國王,整日鬱鬱寡歡,於是派了個大臣四處找尋快樂的方法。有一天,大臣走過一個貧窮的村落時,聽到一個農夫快樂地歌唱。
In ancient India, a minister accompanied the emperor to hunt in the mountains. Accidentally, the emperor’s hand was cut by a tree branch and bled a lot. 在遠古的印度,一位大臣陪同皇帝上山狩獵。一不小心,皇帝的手被道旁樹枝劃破了,流了很多血。
Ancient warriors fought in the front line often wore armor and carried shields for protection, otherwise they would easily be injured or even killed by the enemies. 古代戰士上前線打仗,若不穿盔甲、不拿盾牌, 極易被敵人所傷,甚至喪命。