The Mountain and Earth Deity Shrine 山神土地廟

While this shrine might not seem as magnificent as the other sacred places of Wutai Shan, it is still the most luxurious Tudigong shrine in North America. Traditional Tudigong shrines are often very small, with many having no building at all.

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Eighty-Eight Buddha Surrounding the South Platform 八十八座佛塔繞南台

All of the eighty-eight stupas are seven-tiered structures, standing at around 3 meters in height, commonly referred to as “seven-tiered pagodas.” The bottom three tiers are hexagonal bases adorned with lotus relief carvings on all sides.

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The Seven Treasures Wish-Fulfilling Pagodas 七寶如意塔

At the top of the pagoda’s finial, there are 13 rings of “ornamental wheels” or “Dharma wheels.” The “ornamental wheel” is positioned in the middle section of the pagoda’s spire and is one of the most important components.

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