Preserved Olives and White Fungus Fried Rice 欖菜雪耳炒飯

Preserved Olives and White Fungus Fried Rice


Ingredients 材料 :

Cooked white rice 1 bowl 白米飯 1 碗
Diced asparagus 1 bowl 蘆筍粒 1 碗
Soaked white fungus 1 small clump 泡好雪耳 1 小朵

Seasoning 調味料 :

Preserved minced olives vegetable 1 teaspoon 欖菜 1 茶匙
Vegetable oil Small amount 菜油 少許
Salt Small amount 鹽 少許
Mushroom powder Small amount 素香菇粉 少許
Sugar Small amount 糖 少許

Cooking Method 做法 :

  1. Dice the soaked white fungus; rinse the diced white fungus and asparagus with hot water.
  2. Heat vegetable oil in a wok over high heat, add preserved minced olives, diced asparagus and white fungus, stir-fry for a bit, then add cooked white rice, add small amount of salt, mushroom powder, and sugar, fry the rice with high heat until it dries up and serve.