Szechuan Vegetable Rolls
Ingredients 材料:
Bean sprouts, 1 lb; red carrots, 1 stick 綠豆芽 1磅,紅蘿蔔1條
Pai yeh tofu, 4 sheets 千張(又稱百葉)4張
Minced coriander, small amount 香菜末 少許
Sesame sauce 醬料:
Sesame paste and water, 1 tablespoon each 芝蔴醬、水 各1湯匙
Soya sauce paste and sugar, 1 tablespoon each; Chinese vinegar, sesame oil and chili oil, 1 teaspoon each; ground peppercorn, ½ teaspoon 醬油膏、糖 各1湯匙,醋、蔴油、辣油各1茶匙,花椒粉1/2茶匙
Cooking Method 做法:
- Wash bean sprouts, red carrots and shred the red carrots. Blanch the bean sprouts and red carrots in boiling water for 30 seconds, rinse with cold water, squeeze excess water to dry and divide into 4 portions.
將綠豆芽,紅蘿蔔洗淨,紅蘿蔔切絲。待水燒滾,放入綠豆芽及紅蘿蔔絲燙30秒,沖冷水,擠乾水份,均分成4份備用。 - Put each portion of the blanched vegetables on top of a Pai Yeh Tofu and roll it up as spring roll, sealing the opening with flour paste.
取一張百葉平舖,上置1份材料,包捲成春卷狀,接口處用麵糊封口。 - Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a flat bottom wok, fry the rolled packets until golden color. Remove and cut into smaller portions. Serve on a platter with sesame sauce.
**Sesame sauce : mix all sauces, lastly add in the minced coriander .