Tofu Pouches with Mushroom and Gai Lan
Ingredients 材料:
Tofu pouches, 6-8 pieces 豆包 6-8 片
Fresh shiitake mushrooms (without stem), 10 pieces 鮮冬菇(去蒂) 10 朵
Gai Lan (Chinese Broccoli/Kale), 250g 芥蘭 250 克
Sliced ginger roots, small amount 薑片 少許
Seasoning 調味料:
Light soy sauce, 2 tablespoon 生抽 2 湯匙
Salt, sugar, white pepper powder, small amounts 鹽丶糖丶白胡椒粉 各少許
Water, ½ cup 水 1/2 杯
Cooking Method 做法:
- Wash Gai Lan, cut into halves, cook in boiling water, rinse under cold water, drain and arrange around the rim of a serving plate.
芥蘭洗淨切兩段後,用開水燙熟撈起漂涼圍邊排盤。 - Deep fry the tofu pouches with oil until golden, drain excess oil and cut into pieces. Place them in a large round bowl for later use.
豆包用油炸至表面呈金黃色後撈起切塊。將豆包塊放在一圓型碗中待用。 - Put 1 tablespoon of oil in a heated wok, stir-fry ginger roots and fresh shiitake mushrooms, add seasonings and simmer for about 5 minutes.
鍋熱入油,爆香薑片及鮮冬菇,加入調味料同煨約五分鐘後,收火。 - Pour sauce onto the tofu in the large round bowl, place mushrooms side up on tofu and steam for 5 minutes. Flip the bowl containing the tofu and mushrooms onto the serving plate.