Thyme Okra Stir-Fry
Ingredients 材料 :
5 Okra pods, sliced 秋葵 5條
1 whole Potato, peeled and diced 土豆 1 個
1 Red bell pepper 紅椒 1 個
2 Fresh thyme sprigs, stems removed 百里香 2棵
Seasoning 調味料 :
Salt Small amount 鹽 少許
Mushroom powder Small amount 素香菇粉 少許
Sugar Small amount 糖 少許
Soy sauce Small amount 美極醬油 少許
Cooking Method 做法 :
- Wash and deep fry potato dices in hot oil and drain.
先將土豆去皮切丁塊洗乾淨入油鍋炸熟後瀝油備用。 - Wash and drain okra slices, red bell pepper dices and thyme leaves .
秋葵斜刀切好、紅椒切丁、百里香摘岀葉子、各洗乾淨瀝水等用。 - Simmer okra slices with vegetable broth. sauté red bell pepper with small amount of oil in a wok till fragrant, then put thyme leaves, okras and potatoes into the wok and stir. Add a small amount of salt, mushroom powder, sugar and soy sauce, stir with a small amount of starch water and serve.